Scholarship Application Materials

Do you have scholarship application materials ready to go?
Some applications require one or more of the following:
1. Letters of recommendation – Choose people who know you best and will write a well-written letter.  You want to ensure the recommender matches the qualifications requested on the application. This means that while your neighbor may think very highly of you, it may be more appropriate to ask a school official (Teacher, Counselor, Principal), to write the letter.

Most people who write letters of rec. find that a written list of your strengths and accomplishments helps the process go more smoothly. You should offer to provide such a list when you ask for the letter to be written. Also, be sure to give the letter writer a couple of weeks advance notice, where possible.

For more helpful info on letters of recommendation, see the website links below:
2. Personal statement and/or Essay – Demonstrates why you are the perfect match for the scholarship. Might include future goals and plans, talents, accomplishments, etc. See the links below for more detailed information, along with a few examples.  

3. Résumé - Some scholarship applications may request a resume outlining your strengths and accomplishments. In other cases, they may like to see a resume outlining your work experience. Marcy Hansen in the Career Center can help you with your resume. There is also a great resume tool on UtahFutures. See the links below for help with scholarship resumes.
For help with employment Resumes, see Marcy Hansen in the Career Center.
4. Official Transcript(s)  - You can get these from Rebecca Olson, the counseling secretary, in the counseling office. Transcripts cost $1 if Rebecca sends them to an institution for you, otherwise they are free.

5. Nominations by a school official – Some scholarships can only be applied for if you receive recommended by a school official. In this case, be sure to notify Tara Johnson in the counseling office. 

6. Interviews  - Some scholarship committees may choose to interview their applicants. You will find a link listed below that offers some excellent tips when it comes to scholarship interviews.